Well I received this wonderful award from Caitlin over at Think Happy Thoughts!! Her blog is so cute you should definitely check it out!

List 7 things that you love, and then pass the award on to 7 bloggers that you love!Be sure to tag them and let them know that they have won. You can copy the picture of the award and paste it on your sideboard letting the whole world know...you are Kreativ!
7 Things That I Currently Love...
1. Obviously K for putting up with me
2. The beach
3. Summertime and warm weather
4. My house
5. My wedding dress
6. My parent's pool
7. Pizza... duh
I would like to present this award to.....
Pris at Lovely Chaos
Jess at No, Thank You
Abby at Babbling Abby
Newport Nuptials
Very Married
oh. my. gosh. thanks!! i'm really really new at the whole blogging thing so it's SO exciting you thought of me. wahoo! :)