I decided instead of bombarding you with the longest post ever to break it down into categories. Today I'm sharing my favorites in baby gear that we used (or still use) for Miller and plan to use for baby #2. Then I am sharing which baby gear items we are getting or want for baby #2 that we didn't have with Miller. I also plan to share my favorites for: feeding, sleep, safety, baby books, etc in future posts.

1. Fisher Price Rock n Play Sleeper- This was a LIFESAVER for us. Miller actually slept in this until he was 5 months old (we moved him to his own room at 3 months but he slept in the rock n play in there). When he first came home from the hospital I knew I wanted him close to me but didn't want anything that attached to the bed or laid in the middle of the bed. I had also heard from many people that lots of babies liked the incline of the rock n play and it helped with reflux problems. Miller was never diagnosed with reflux but was a "happy spitter" (meaning he spit up a lot but wasn't in pain) and as a nervous first time mom the incline of the rock n play helped ease my fears and made Miller a much happier baby.
2. Fisher Price Cradle n Swing- Again another lifesaver. Miller loved the swing and spent many nap times here his first few months. We quickly found out when Miller was an infant that when he was cranky or overstimulated he wanted to be left alone, meaning he just wanted to sit in the swing and chill out. I know a lot of people have had luck with the 4Moms Mamaroo and unless this baby hates the swing we plan to use it again.
3. Chicco KeyFit 30 Infant Car Seat- I did a lot of research on car seats before choosing one. I loved that the Chicco seats came in neutral colors, had high safety ratings, and lots of reviews on ease of use. I also loved that it went to 30 inches tall and 30lb weight limit (I moved Miller over to the convertible seat before he grew out of this but liked the option). While Miller wasn't always the biggest fan of this car seat we loved it. It is so easy to use and the two click snap in was a great way to know you got it in the base correctly.
4. Chicco KeyFit Caddy Stroller Frame- This was my favorite and something I missed most when Miller moved to the convertible car seat. I used this as my running errands stroller until we moved Miller over to the convertible seat at 8 months. It is so light, the car seat snaps right in (so you don't have to wake a sleeping baby) and it has a huge basket which made it easy for me to use grocery shopping or running errands. I highly suggest this to anyone who is running errands with a baby. I would just use this in Target instead of the cart.
5. Graco Pack n Play with Newborn Napper and Changer- I decided to get the pack n play with the newborn napper and changer and I honestly don't regret it. We kept this in our family room when Miller was an infant and I found it so easy to use for diaper changes. Since I'm tall I liked not having to bend over very far to change his diaper and the newborn napper came in handy those first few weeks. Once we didn't need it in the family room anymore we just saved it for traveling with Miller and so far haven't had any problems. He sleeps like a champ in it when we're on vacation and visiting family so I really have no complaints.
6. Fisher Price Rainforest Melodies and Lights Gym- Miller loved this activity mat. We started using it when he was about 2 weeks old but he didn't really start to interact with it until closer to the 2 month mark. Once he started to see and understand things it was so fun to watch him reach for toys and laugh and scream at the lights and music. I hope baby #2 enjoys it just as much!
7. Fisher Price Space Saver Highchair- I originally had the Bloom Nano Highchair which I snagged at a yard sale in my neighborhood. It's a great looking high chair and matches my kitchen beautifully but it is a bitch to clean. After reading reviews about how people would drag it outside everyday and hose it off I was like ain't nobody got time for that and I went to Target and picked up the space saver high chair. Love, love, love this chair. I love that it sits on a chair so it takes up no extra room and I love that it can be a booster seat when Miller and ready and I can just pull him up to the table to eat with us. The cover is machine washable and the tray can go right into the dishwasher. Both a huge plus!
8. Evenflo Exersaucer Active Learning Center- Ahhh my most favorite babysitter ever! Oh I miss this toy everyday. The exersaucer became another lifesaver (notice a theme?!) for me when Miller first became mobile. Not only did Miller love this toy but he would happily bounce and play in it for 20 minutes straight (which is an eternity in infant/toddler time) meaning I could go to the bathroom, cook dinner, change a load of laundry, etc. My parents have the Fisher Price jumperoo which is as good a
9. Maxi Cosi Pria 70 Convertible Car Seat- Again I did a ton of research when it came time to move Miller to the convertible seat. I wanted something that would offer extended rear facing and as much as I loved the Britax ones lots of reviewers said they were not good for tall babies and toddlers. Since Miller has been in the 90th percentile for height I knew I wanted something that would last longer for him. I narrowed it down to a few but finally settled on the Maxi Cosi Pria 70 and I'm so happy I did! Miller was never a huge fan of his infant seat but he LOVES this car seat so much. The material is wonderful and stays cool and the huge head wings, which I thought might get annoying, instead act as built in pillows. I swear if we're in the car for longer than 20 minutes this seat just knocks him out. I plan to get one for baby #2 when it's his turn to move to the convertible seat.
10. Baby Jogger City Mini Stroller- I spent just as much time researching the stroller as I did the car seats. Many hours pouring over Amazon reviews and driving an hour to stores just to push the stroller around and try to fold it up. I do wish I had chosen the Baby Jogger City Select (I will explain below) but I've loved my City Mini so much. This stroller lives in my car and I use it for walking around the mall, running errands, trips to the park, etc. It's very light weight for a full size stroller at only 16lbs and maneuvers very easily with only one hand if needed. It's also the easiest folding stroller out there. Just one quick tug of a handle and it's folded right up. Plus it fits really well into the back of a sedan without taking up too much room.
11. BOB Revolution SE Jogging Stroller- When I was first pregnant I didn't want a jogging a stroller because I never thought I would use it. After pushing a friend's BOB stroller I quickly changed my mind. This stroller seriously walks/runs itself. Both Kyle and I love it. I have not run with it as I found out I was pregnant with #2 shortly after purchasing it but I use it everyday at least 1-2 times a day for walks and Kyle runs with it all the time on the weekends. It's seriously one of our favorite baby purchases and I highly suggest it to anyone. The one downside is that it's pretty big so I don't love taking it into the mall or stores since it can be hard to maneuver around.
Next I wanted to share some baby items that we have added to our baby gear collection or plan to add now that baby #2 is on his way.

1. Baby Jogger City Select Double Stroller-I really considered getting this stroller when I was pregnant with Miller but ultimately decided not to because I thought it would be 2 or 3 years until we added to our family and wasn't sure if I would need a double. Now that I'm having babies 16 months apart a double is a must. I've again done a ton of research and have decided this one is the best for. I really wanted the inline as opposed to tandem since I will mostly be using this stroller for mall walks and errand running so I wanted it to be easier to maneuver. I like that there are 16 different ways to change the seats around and I like that it can easily go from a stroller for two to a stroller for one if I was out with just one of the kids I could convert it to a single stroller. Looking back I would suggest this for anyone who is thinking of having more than one kid especially if you're planning for two under two.
2. BOB Revolution SE Duallie Jogging Stroller- This is just the double version of the BOB that we already have. Since I walk the dog every day at least once if not twice a day I knew that I wanted a double BOB. I was lucky enough to find one of these on Craigslist this past summer so it's ready and waiting when baby #2 arrives.
3. ERGO Baby Carrier- I had a Baby Bjorn for Miller and hated it. I don't know if it was combination of my c-section and a weak lower back but the Baby Bjorn always hurt my back. I could never wear it for any length of time and Miller always seemed unhappy in it. Everyone raves about the ERGO baby carrier and since I have a feeling I will need to do a lot of baby wearing this time around I'm getting the ERGO. If you have the ERGO do you love it?
4. Munchkin Arm & Hammer Diaper Pail- We have the Diaper Genie for Miller's nursery and while it hasn't been awful it doesn't do the best job keeping the smells at bay and I feel like I need to constantly change the bag or just take diapers out to the garage trash can. We picked up this diaper pail for baby #2's nursery in hopes of it doing a better job with the the baking soda and twisting the bag every time you close it. I could have been duped but fingers crossed. Anyone have experience with this- good or bad?
5. Boppy Newborn Lounger- I know this probably seems like a waste to some but since I have a feeling I'm going to moving around the house a lot with Miller I was looking for something that I could easily carry with me from room to room to have a place to put baby #2 while I play with Miller. A few of my friends have this and they said it does a better job than just a regular Bobby propping up a newborn and keep them in a good position. Anyone have any pros or cons on this one?
6. Puj Infant Tub- We had a Fisher Price infant tub with a newborn swing for Miller which wasn't bad but I always felt like he looked like he was slipping down or really uncomfortable. Plus the tub took up a ton of space in our bathroom. I love the idea of the Puj tub just fitting right into the sink and then unfolding to hang dry. Anything that takes up less space is high on my list these days.
So that is my official baby gear list! Again what works for some babies doesn't work at all for others. If I've learned anything in these last 15 months of parenthood it's that a lot of it is trial and error until you figure out what works best for you and your baby.
So what are your favorite baby items? Does anyone have any item that was a must-have for them that I didn't list? Were there any items I listed that you found to be a total waste?
If you've used any of the items on my baby #2 wishlist I would love to hear the good or bad!
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awesome list! pinning this for the future! xo jillian - cornflake dreams
ReplyDeleteThe ergo is a game changer!! I have a city mini that I love but I use the ergo soooo much more. I also love the space saver chairs. I'll never have a high chair again. I use the bumbo and papasan chair a lot still. A tiny love mobile was a must for us but my second was scared of it (and the swing - and the exercauser :) ).
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ReplyDeleteHi, I'm a new reader! I will be 35 weeks tomorrow with baby #2- another boy! This post is great and very helpful! We used the Arm & Hammer diaper pail for our son and it worked great! We changed the bag once a week and as long as the lid is closed shut, then you shouldn't smell anything. I highly recommend it! Good luck to you! :)
DeleteI have the bumbleride double stroller. Have you looked at those? I was debating between the bob and this one, and decided on this. It is relatively light weight for a double, it super smooth, and it can fit between a regular size door frame. I love it! (I also scored it on a zulily sale, so that helped :). It is amazing how many new products they come out with in such a short time period. The fisher price swing and exersaucer (aka circle of neglect) are definitely life savers for both of my kids!! We also loved out bouncey chair. That was the one thing I carried from room to room to put the baby in. Both of my kids lived in that thing.
ReplyDeleteI am glad to see I havea lot of these already and a lot on my registry still. I have gone back and forth about getting the BOB jogging stroller, but it seems everyone loves them. Maybe something to get closer to Spring. I'm sad to hear you didn't like the Baby Bjorn... I got one at my shower. I hope it works ok for me!
ReplyDeleteWith Baby #1 due any day now, I am so glad to see so many things I received on your "must haves" list...and I also have numbers 3, 4, 5 and 6 from your "wants" list ready and waiting to be used. Here's hoping they work well for both of us! Thanks for sharing your recommendations - I love hearing what worked for other moms! - M
ReplyDeleteYou are the BEST! We're in full gear looking at registry stuff right now and there are SO many options out there, I'm so glad to hear from a mama who has experience with all of it!
ReplyDeleteOh also I registered for the Ubbi diaper pail. I've heard really good things from other mamas and the added benefit is you can use regular trash bags, not the specialty bags for it. Just thought I'd throw that out there :)
DeleteGreat list!! I hate the Diaper Genie so I would assume anything is better than that, especially A&H at keeping the stink at bay. That is so awesome that you found the double Bob! We used a standing board on our City Mini for Avery, that might be fun for Miller when he turns two!
ReplyDeleteI'll freak out if I start thinking too far ahead, but mark my words I'll be skimming through your blog for this post at some TBD time ;)
ReplyDeleteGREAT POST!!!!!!!! My son is older so I'm clueless on what to do with the stroller. We got the Safety 1st Stand on Board and honestly I'm not sure how much we will use it! (it was a gift). My son will be 3.5 when baby is born and since he goes to daycare how much will I really use both? Maybe some weekend mall trips???
ReplyDeleteThis is such a great comprehensive post - saving this for when that time comes for me LOL!
ReplyDeleteSuch an awesome post! I'm sending this over to one of my girlfriends who is pregnant!
ReplyDeleteI had the Ergo baby carrier and really liked it, but didn't use it enough!! I plan/think i will use it a lot more with baby #2 because I'm sure I'll need to be hands free more often! I'm certain I will add one of those lounger to my list when I have baby number two as well. I've also recently seen a new company make something similar to the old "nap nanny's" that were recalled. I saw them at babies R us. People swore by those things so they might be worth checking out.
ReplyDeleteI use an ubbi diaper pail and find it completely masks the smells! I only smell it when I open it up. Which is awesome because it's right next to where I nurse. We had the rock and play and loved it for two weeks - but presley stopped liking it so we went and got a mamroo. Game changer!
ReplyDeleteGreat list! The rock n play is seriously the best invention ever! I had the Ergo with Hayden but hardly used it. I have used it more the second time around though!
ReplyDeleteWe actually have two diaper pails, the Munchkin and the Ubbi. I actually really like them both, the Ubbi was gifted to us, and the Munchkin was part of the parting gift from the Biggest Baby Shower I attended in NYC (AMAZING baby show BTW, if you have one in a city near you). The only con for the munchkin that I have is that you have to purchase their refill bags which in the long run, makes it more expensive than the Ubbi. However, we've had no problems with either for keeping smells at bay, and our dog has not been able to bust into either of them!
ReplyDeleteAlso, right now I'm not in love with our 4Moms bath tub. We haven't used it that much so I don't know if I will grow to like it, but I'm not super impressed with it.
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