
Thank You!

I just want to say a big THANK YOU  to all of my readers and everyone's sweet comments on my Keeping it Real post.  It's good to know that I am not alone in letting my house turn into a disaster area.   Everyone in the blog world is so kind and supportive of each other and what we're dealing with. 
So again thank you for taking time out of your busy schedules to stop by my little place on the internet.  

I know most of you spend the weekend fighting back tears listing to stories coming out of Sandy Hook elementary and Newtown, CT.  My heart hurts so much for those families, students, residents, and teachers, ugh I feel like teachers everywhere need not only a big hug but a major pay raise!  Just typing this makes me feel sick again.

So in order to lighten the mood I'm sharing pictures of my favorite little creature Layla:

   Yes that is my husband laying on the floor trying to get the dog to leave her crate and play


  1. Your pup is so sweet. And it's hard to believe what happened in Newtown. Hopefully we'll start seeing some change in mental health awareness and a ban on assault weapons soon.

  2. She is so cute!!! I really want a dog but I'll have to wait until I am out of my apartment and working fewer hours :/

  3. Oh my gosh she is the cutest!!! xx

  4. Your dog is so cute!! Would you mind sharing what breeder you used?


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