
Thoughts for Thursday: Savoring these Toddler Days

One thing I'm really trying to work harder on is savoring these toddlers days.  It's tough. Toddlers are tough. Many days I find myself counting down the hours to bedtime before anyone has eaten lunch because I'm exhausted. They drain me physically and emotionally everyday but I try to remind myself that one day soon they won't want me to snuggle them while we watch Thomas the train, or give them one more big gigantic hug before bedtime.

I walked into Miller's room last night while he was sleeping and all I could think was who is that little boy and where did my baby go?!! How was it only 3 years ago that I was snuggling my little 4 month old who wouldn't sleep through the night unless I was holding him but was so happy and always gave the best little smiles and laughs when I sang One Direction songs too him.  How is he this talkative little boy who tells me about his friends at school, can count to 15, and can sign songs I never even knew he knew.

Don't even get me started on Matthew.  This time last year I had an 11 month old infant and in one week I will have a two year old!  I can't even believe how fast this year has gone by and how much of Matthew's personality has shone through these last six months.  He's my secret wild one.  He's quiet, loving, and snuggly but you will find him on top of a table or climbing a tree in the 30 seconds you turn around.  This kid has given me more almost heart attacks in the past year than Miller ever did at this age.

The days are long but the years are short.  

That quote has never been more true for me lately.   There are so many things I want to remember that each of them do but find myself falling asleep at the end of the day forgetting to write it all down. My goal for the rest of the year with the frantic pace of the holidays is to really take the time to slow down and enjoy these days as much as I can.  Try to remind myself that in a few years I might not have two people who need me so much and while I will enjoy the freedom I'm probably going to miss it a lot too.  Everyone tells you to enjoy each phase of parenthood but it's tough when you're in the thick of it.  It's tough not to feel like the days are never ending.

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Thoughts for Thursday



  1. It is amazing how time flies!!
    But it is so wonderful to have these photos & videos as great reminders!

  2. I love this! That saying rings so true when you have young kiddos... Those days can be loooooong! But, then you look back and you wonder where the time went! Your boys are growing up so quickly! They are adorable and I look forward to the time when my boys can play together like Matthew and Miller! Keep up the good work mama!

  3. This post made my tear up! It's so true and so insane how fast time flies with these little ones!

  4. Whew! Ya got me! Choking up. It is so true though. It's hard to "soak it up" in the middle of it all but, we need to be better about it. I too find myself staring at Jack wondering where my sweet little baby went!? The other night he was so exhausted from daycare & was really fighting bedtime so I held him like you would a baby & bounced him, etc. He fell asleep & I got a little flash back for my momma heart. Now his legs wrap around me though lol!

  5. I have two toddlers too and I'm always telling myself that they are only at this age once...even when I'm about to totally lose it, it just helps me ease up more.

    ~ xo Sheree
    Posh Classy Mom

  6. Oh girl you couldn't be speaking to my heart any more right now. It's crazy to see how fast they go and I am seriously kicking myself for not enjoying the baby moments more and being so over tired and stressed not to see how fast it goes by. Hindsight is everything <3

  7. I totally needed to read this today! We're going through an exhausting bedtime routine that wears me out. But you're so right, the days are long but the years are short! I keep replaying in my head "They're only young once". Your little guys are adorable! Maybe it's time for one more? ;)

  8. Hi Natalie,

    I feel the same way most days with my toddler at home. They can be so exhausting and then turn around and do something that just melts your heart completely! Have a great day!



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