
Thoughts for Thursday: An Accidental Social Media Break

Hi Friends!  I've sort of found myself taking an unplanned break from social media and I'm sort of loving it.  

Life has been so crazy lately.  Preschool started up, Miller has soccer and swim lessons, I have Matthew in playgroup and a gym class.  I've taken on a few positions in my local mom's club which are keeping me busy.

And to top it off... this is the first week that Kyle has been home in 5 weeks!! Yes I had five weeks of parenting all by myself and they wore me down (he was home on the weekends thankfully but still the full week alone with two toddlers is draining).

I'm also enjoying not documenting every moment of my life, it's kind of freeing to not feel the pressure to share 24/7, but not to worry I will be back.  Once life calms down and I get into the swing of all this I know I'll back and hopefully I'll be able to read more blogs and get my crazy life into some sort of schedule.  

If I owe anyone an email- I apologize!! I promise I will catch up on all of that soon too!

Happy First Day of Fall Friends!! 

Grab the button below and link up to Annie and Natalie on your Thoughts for Thursday post.  
Use #thoughtsforthursdays on Instagram and tag us @homeofmalones and @eastcoastnat.
Link up starts at 7 am EST. 

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  1. Enjoy your break! We all need it now and then.

  2. Wow!! You are Super Mom!! My brother works in Omaha every week and flies home to Massachusetts on the weekend, leaving his wife home with three little ones during the week, and it is exhausting. I hope you get some much needed rest and relaxation!

    xx, Elise

  3. I took an unplanned break too and it was so nice to focus on soaking up all of the time I could with R and my husband! I can't believe you solo parented for 5 weeks straight, you are a rockstar! My husband travels every couple of weeks and I can barely handle that with one toddler!

  4. A social media break can feel so good! 5 weeks by yourself?? You're a rockstar mama!

  5. Taking a break is the best recipe for saneness!!

  6. I'm currently sort of on a social media break as well! Blog posts have taken the back seat to spending time and cuddling with my newborn haha-of course!

  7. Honestly, I really enjoy social media detox because as much enjoyments of seeing the rest of the world thru filtered glasses, they also give me so much stress as well. I have to toddlers at home and I know exactly how you feel without the aid of my SO.

    ~ xo Sheree
    Posh Classy Mom

  8. i am all about this. i have done it before and it's so good for the soul. enjoy!!!


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