
On My Mind

It's the first of June.  Can you all believe it?  This is our first official week of summer around here! We have our last days of playgroup and an end of the year school party so it's a busy one for the boys. I'm trying to get myself organized and ready for summer.   Our weather here has been perfect which is helping everyone's mood.  I'm just hoping the sun sticks around a little bit longer.

I'm just having one of those days where I just want to chat with you all about random things I've been thinking about.

- Do you like my new blog look?  I felt like I needed a little update for summer! I used Designer blogs and they were great to work with!  I went with a pre-made template and added some extras to it for customization.  They do all the installation, which is what this HTML illiterate needed!

- I also updated my URL to www.eastcoastchicblog.com.  Your URL and Bloglovin and should re-direct because I left it under blogger but if you have any problems let me know!

- I just ordered my first natural deodorant from Schmidt's.  I went with the lavender and sage scent.  My friend Kate who is a guru on all things natural says this one really works, I hope she's right because my deodorant works hard in the summer.

- Speaking of that I'm working on slowly removing the chemicals out of my house and beauty products.  I'm going for a 80/20 for all things in life when it comes to being healthier and more natural but there is some stuff that might be too hard to give up.  

- Frownies.  I picked these up at Whole Foods yesterday (but they're cheaper on Amazon!) because the wrinkles on my forehead are so bad.  Most of you don't see me up close so you probably don't notice but they definitely need some botox.  I've decided to give these a try to see if they actually work.  I will keep you posted.

- Baby #3... I can't even believe I'm typing this, as most days I can barely handle the two I have but the discussions about baby #3 have come up lately.  Should we do it? If so, when? Can we afford three?  Can we handle three without losing our minds?   Anyone else thinking about three or have three out there?!

- Miller's 3rd birthday is this month!! I cannot believe my baby is going to be three! I still can't make a decision on small vs big birthday party.  He's more aware of birthday's this year and keeps asking when his party is.  I know he won't know the difference if I have ten people vs thirty but I still want him to love it and have fun.  I also tend to go way overboard on parties so I know it will be fine either way.

- I'm doing this foil baked salmon recipe tonight.  This warm weather has me craving lighter meals.

- Kyle signed us up for the Army 10 miler in DC this fall.  I used to run 10 milers (and I did a half and full marathon) all the time but since getting pregnant I've barely run more than two miles.  I'm slowly working my way back up and I'm actually looking forward to it.  I don't think I realized how much I missed running.  Since it's light out until at least 8:30 around here I'm trying to run after I get the kids down for bed.

- I've been eyeing this dress all week... I'm sort of loving the one shoulder look too.

Madewell striped one shoulder dress

Hope everyone has a great first day of June! 



  1. That salmon sounds delish and I LOVE the blog makeover! So perfect!! I'm with you on #3.... we talk about it and while I want one, Josh is more concerned about it financially and just life-wise. You'll never regret having a baby, that's a truth!

  2. Salmon is yummy! I have a few other recipes that are lighter on my page if you want to check those out!
    Love the new look!!

  3. Love the new look and the format of this post! Sometimes it's nice to have a "coffee talk" type of update :)

  4. We just found out we're pregnant with our second, ours will be 20 months apart. How do you do it?! I'd love to have three, but I think we'll wait awhile between #2 and #3.

  5. I actually had a dream that you were pregnant with your 3rd and it was a girl. This was a few weeks ago and kept forgetting to tell you!

  6. Love the new look (although I've always liked all of your blog design and the simplicity of them)! Please let us know how the Frownies work. I too have crazy lines on my forehead. I'm sure it's from all of my years in the sun, but they seem to be more and more visible. I'd love to hear how the deo works for you too. Happy June!

  7. Go you on your 10miler!!! I bet you will love the training and "you" time it will afford!

  8. Love one shoulder dresses, totally a trend I can get behind!
    Why is running so hard? I've tried so many times to get into it but it's just so easy to walk.
    Having 3 and hoping for 4 because I love the idea of my children growing up together and having each other when they are older. However I know it's no guarantee they will get along once they are older. Both my parents are 1 of 4 and growing up our family reunions (in Duck :) ) were so much fun!
    Love the new look!

  9. Love your new blog look! Would love to know your thoughts on the frownies. I'm in desperate need of help with my forehead wrinkles as well. I would totally get botox if it was in the budget lol. And you are brave for thinking of baby 3!! Of course, I'm in the thick of pregnancy and having a toddler, so I'm a bit of a debbie downer in that area at the moment. If you asked me now I would say heck no to baby 3, but ask me in 2 years I might say something different!

  10. I signed up for the ATM, too! I haven't raced it in three years and I won't let myself compete with my pre-mama race times :) Anything to get me out the door and on the pavement these days, though!

  11. Love your new blog look. I'm in need of a big blog change- look, name etc. Maybe later this summer. I ran (and walked) the marine corps marathon in 2004 and ran lots of other smaller races pre-kids and i totally miss it, but I can't run anymore (thanks to having kids) You can do it! I loved having goals of running and then finishing the race! Which marathon did you do?

  12. Love the new design!! It's so fresh and simple! And frownies? Sign me up! I can't wait to hear how they work for you. I actually got botox at the beginning of the year and loooooved it...but it's wearing off and I'm not sure I can stomach the cost again already! Plus we're discussing #3 too and I know I cna't do it when I'm pregnant. Getting older is rough!

  13. I can imagine the baby talk is so tough! I already think about it...particularly the cost of kids! I would love to have 3 or 4 if money was no object, but in reality, am hoping for a boy and girl to stop at 2, haha!

    You will have to let us know how the Frownies work!

  14. I love your new blog design!! So fun. I've started to get the itch for a new look, but probably won't any time soon. Thanks so much for that adorable Madewell recommendation. I've already purchased it for my rosemary trip in just over a week!!!! Don't even get me started on the 3rd child conversation. I always thought I wanted three, but lately, I've seemed pretty convinced that two is plenty. But I'm sure, like you, once they get a little older; I'll be re-thinking it again!!!

  15. Love the new look! I can imagine the baby talk is tough - we are constantly trying to decide when to go for just one (eventually we do want three too though!). The salmon also sounds delicious - we've been trying to brainstorm all week about nice lighter meals - we need some new things in the mix!

  16. I am slowly trying to incorporate natural products into our house as well from cleaning to beauty products. It takes a little more work but is totally worthwhile!

  17. I so am ready for a facelift to my blog! I have just been going back and forth between blogger and wordpress for starters. And baby #3....I had the long debate when I was considering #4 and I really just didn't feel "done". A friend finally told me one day while one day I could possibly regret NOT having a 4th if I did have another baby I would never regret it. She was right and #4 completed our family. I knew immediately when she was born that I was done and was complete! :)

  18. I want to transition to a more natural lifestyle and started with deodorant as well! I'm trying Tom's. Would love to hear more as you go!

  19. LOVE that one shoulder dress! I love that not only ruffles, but one-shoulder things are coming back into my life :)


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