
Friday Five

TGIF Friends! Are you all ready for the weekend?  Any fun plans?  I'm getting my hair cut and highlighted on Saturday (yay!!) and then we have my nephews baptism on Sunday but other than that we are pretty free for the weekend.  The weather looks kind of iffy but I'm hoping we will be able to make it to the pool for at least a few hours this weekend.

I've rounded up five things I'm loving this week...

1. The Wet Brush Pro

I realize I'm like 5 years late to the game on this one but this brush is life changing!! I had heard so many good reviews about it and I kept putting it in my Amazon cart but never purchased it.  Then I used my sister's when we were on vacation and I was shocked. It's really that good. I have fine hair that knots easily, even worse after two babies and this brush just glides easily through my hair.  No more pulling or ripping needed.  I have a feeling this is going to help with all the awful breakage I've been having lately.  If you've been on the fence- go buy one now!!

2. Think Thin Protein Bars 

I have been struggling with healthy high protein meals/snacks lately.  I wish I had time to sit down and make myself elaborate healthy snacks but I do not (and I know that one day I will and I will probably being crying because my babies are grown up.. I digress).  So in the time being I've been looking for something that will fill me up and curb my sweet tooth. These Think Thin Bars have been perfect.  My favorite flavors are peanut butter and brownie crunch.  They're a perfect late afternoon snack when I'm teetering between coffee and wine and just wanting to open up the container of goldfish and take it down.

3. Pottery Barn Kids Catalina Bed

I think we have finally settled on a new bed for Miller's room.  I have been searching and searching the internet and stores for months for the perfect bed and it doesn't exist, or if I find it it's over $2000 which just is not in our budget for a toddler room!  I really wanted him to have a traditional four poster (but shorter posts not tall ones) but I can't find any that I love that are budget friendly so this PBK one is a good compromise.  We are 99% sure we're going with the cocoa color and then doing navy blue and orange or red accents to incorporate items from his nursery.

4. Cappelli Women's Sun Hat 

After a trip to the dermatologist in April she told me I really need to get more serious about my sun exposure and taking care of my skin.  I ended up purchasing this hat which I saw on the always adorable Erika and Darby.  It's so perfect for running around with little kids because it gives you the coverage of a big sun hat but the wide brim is only in the front so you don't get that floppy big hat thing that can be hard to always readjust with kids.

5. This Article.

My favorite quote from it.

"If you want to know why mothers — especially mothers in this country — are so batshit crazy, maybe it has something to do with the fact that we are blamed for every. god damn. thing. BY STRANGERS. Work full time? Why are you letting someone else raise your kid? Stay at home mom? Why aren’t you teaching them to be independent go-getters? Breastfeeding, formula feeding, fucking wilderness schools, grit, financial savvy, watching them all of the time, watching them none of the time, free range, Tiger Mom-ing ALL OF THE THINGS OH MY GOD INTERNET MAKE UP YOUR FUCKING MINDS." 

 I tried not to get fired up about the gorilla thing but I can't stand people sitting behind their computers thinking they're experts on everything because they read one article on the internet.  I especially cannot handle the judgment and bashing of moms ALL THE TIME.  Why don't dads ever take the heat?!   Why must we moms be almighty and perfect all the time?!  Have you ever seen how fast a three year old is?  Do you realize that kids don't actually listen to what you say most of the time, I swear if I tell mine not to do something they go right ahead and do it.  I'm pretty sure most kids are that way.    Sorry just my little rant for the day just had to get that off my chest and I apologize for the all the curse words ;)

Hope you all have a great weekend!! 

Linking up with April 

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  1. I totally agree about the mom bashing situation. Also lets see a pic of your new hat! I need to get some hats and love suggestions!!!

  2. oh my gosh gorilla gate. Cant even deal. Like they said on the today show.... the only thing faster than a 3 year old boy is a gazelle.

  3. I just started using a wet brush too! It is perfect for those of us with fine hair. Have a great weekend! xo, Laura

  4. can you use that brush with a blowdryer?! mine broke a few days ago and i've been on the hunt for a new one! xo jillian

  5. All the freaking praise hand emojis for the quote from that article. And the Wet Brush is a total game changer; love mine so much!

  6. Love that hat; I got it last year and have used it a TON... it's nice because you can still have your hair pulled back or lay in a back in a chair. I know I need to get more diligent with my suncare too! Also, couldn't agree more with that article- it can be exhausting. I don't know about you, but some days are a lot easier to shut out that noise than others. But ultimately, you can only do what you feel is best for you and your family and try to find peace in that!

  7. I need a hat like that, mine is so floppy now I can't even read with it on.

    And the gorilla thing is just nuts. The kid was misbehaving and something very unfortunate happened, blaming the mom??? People are so so judgmental.

  8. I really needed to read that article. I know there are people out there who feel the way i do, and the author does, and you do - but its hard to hear them when we're all drowned out by the judgmental asshats of the internet. One day I will raise kids and I will remember this and be better for it!

  9. I love that quote from the article! I feel like we live in a society where people think it's ok to just bash people for whatever reason. I've known people who think that their way is the ONLY way, and it wasnt even to do with kids (Lord help the world when those type of people DO have kids because I'm sure they become the same people this article is talking about). It's just like "ENOUGH!" Let people decide what is good and not good for their family based on their needs, situation, etc. You're getting me fired up and I haven't even faced any of this yet! haha

  10. I love protein bars and those sound really good! I'll have to check them out.

  11. I've been looking for a hat a just like that one! I bought a big floppy hat first and one day in the pool with it on trying to hold Oliver and keep that floppiness out of my eyes was too much to handle. I could not agree more about the gorilla situation. It's just a horrible thing all together but blaming the mother is not the answer!

  12. I just read about the brush on Sweet Southern Prep, too! I will have to check it out...as well as those protein bars! I'm with ya, too, about mom-shaming...and more broadly women-shaming...women just can't win!

  13. Your new blog design looks great!! And those Think Thin bars are my jam- I love the salted caramel ones. Happy weekend!

    xo, Kristina
    Medicine & Manicures

  14. That quote! I mean moms are blamed no matter what you do, it's a lose-lose! I LOVE the wet brush! It's awesome on my hair and Avery's! My stylist uses it and swears by it in the salon, too! I hope the rain stays away and you guys have a great weekend!

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