
Thoughts for Thursday: Random Things

Hi Everyone! Welcome back to another Thoughts for Thursday.  You know the drill. Write about anything you're thinking about, grab our button below, and link up at the bottom.  Can't wait to see what you all are thinking about.

Thoughts for Thursday

Sorry I've been MIA.  Life has been busy this week.

- We're supposed to be getting a major snowstorm today but so far it's just rain.  After all the hype we better see some white stuff.

- I'm back to square one with the family room rug hunt.  A few of you commented that rug I posted last week here sheds a lot or isn't as soft as it seems. I went to see it in person at our store and it feels soft but seems to shed a lot.

- I plan to do a blog or instagram sale next week with my baby clothes so be on the look out!  I will let you know which one I finally decide on and when I will have it.  I'm still sorting through bins and bins of clothes.

- Matthew turned four months old yesterday!! I still can't believe it.  He's changed so much in the last three weeks. He's getting such a little personality and becoming so active.  He's rolled over quite a few times but hasn't done it consistenly yet and I'm ok with that. 

- Speaking of Matthew he slept in his crib for the first time last night!! I put him in after his dream feed around 10:30pm (he was in the swing downstairs with me before) and he stayed in there until 6:30! I am so proud of him.  He does still wake up for 4am feeding but the fact that I was able to put him back to bed in there was a major victory.  We had an awful time transitioning Miller to his crib after sleeping in the rock n play for months so I'm hoping it continues to be this easy.  Fingers crossed!

- I stumbled upon this Etsy site Little Worm and Company and I love their plates! They are hand painted personalized ceramic plates for kids.  I am planning to get the birthday ones for the boys. I think it will be so fun for them to have something special to eat their birthday breakfast/lunch/dinner/cake etc off of.   They also have christening plates, baby keepsakes, and holiday plates.  They are all so cute!

- While browsing Etsy I came across this adorable seersucker diaper cover and hat that you can bet will be on Matthew this summer. I felt like Miller was too old for just the diaper cover last summer but Matthew will only be 7 months old when summer starts so he's the perfect age!

- I can't believe Easter is in 4 weeks.  I always say I'm going to be ready in advance and then next thing I know it sneaks up on me!  I just ordered a few things for the boys and I'm hoping to have their Easter baskets ready at least a week in advance.  I will also be hosting our family brunch so I need to work on my decor and menu for that.  This will be the first year in 2 years that I haven't been pregnant on Easter so I can enjoy a mimosa or two :)

- I'm obsessed with this song.  Never ever thought I would say that but I can't get enough of it. Those Jo Bros have grown up quite a bit. 

 Now it's your turn!
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Home of Malones and East Coast Chic



  1. I can't believe Matthew is 4 months already!! Time is flying by! We ordered a jute chenille rug from West Elm a couple of months ago and LOVE it. It's way softer than regular jute and so far it hasn't shed at all!

  2. That diaper cover is too much!!! I can't believe Easter is just a month away...I haven't ordered anything yet, but with Amazon Prime, anything is possible, right?! Ha!! I hope your "storm" stays rain...I am OVER winter!

  3. Oh yeah, we have two West Elm rugs that we LOVE!

  4. I can't even believe how time flies and your little man is already 4 months old - that diaper cover up for the beach is just too cute!!! xo, Biana - BlovedBoston

  5. Your little one is ADORABLE! My kids have similar birthday plates from a company named "What a Dish". So cute. Have a great day.

  6. He is adorable! I love etsy! I've ordered so many things for the wedding from there!!! So fun!!


  7. The major storm just started here about two hours ago so for now it’s pretty to watch.. for now! So exciting that your little man is four months already! Glad it’s a smooth transition to the crib! The seersucker, the cuteness.. I’m definitely remembering that link!

  8. Love the little beach diaper cover and hat :) Adorable!!!
    Chelsea @ thewilliamsjourney1.blogspot.com

  9. I love those birthday plates....I think that's such a fun tradition!

  10. Shopping for a nice rug for such a high traffic area is so intense! I feel like it takes forever to not second guess and just take the plunge! I'm with you and that Jo Bro song! I love it!

  11. Matthew is the absolute cutest in that vintage romper!! Will definitely be on the lookout for the baby clothes sale! I'm so glad you shared that diaper cover and hat... I was looking for something like that this past weekend!

  12. I hope that you do just get rain! I'm loving those birthday plates and think the girls need them too! Definitely go for the diaper covers. That's one of my favorite things about having little girls - you can have them wear them under dresses for many, many years!

  13. Matthew looks like such a happy baby! I can't believe he is four months old already, didn't you just have him?! I hope you don't get snow and Spring comes SOON!

  14. What adorable plates. I'll have to remember those for gift ideas! What a cutie at 4 months ;)

  15. He is so cute and loving that vintage romper! I never would have expected to like Jonas Brothers either but I have definitely found myself jamming to that song lately! :)

  16. Just rain...huh? Ha. I woke up and it had just started to snow, went into the office and then headed home at lunch!

  17. Matthew is so so precious!! He would look adorable in the seersucker diaper cover! We always paint plates for birthdays at a paint your own pottery studio. Each kid has one with their full name, birthdate, and a picture (a cake for my oldest, a present for the next, I'm thinking a party hat for KC). I need to get started on KCs! Isn't the whole sleeping in the crib thing life changing - it just feels amazing! I hope he continues to do well!

  18. Ahh! Those plates are SO cute & that diaper cover... O. M. G!! Tooo cute!!

  19. I'm legitimately singing and letting the video play while I comment. That song NEVER gets old and it's so embarrassing that I love it, but I do :) That seersucker bottom - oh my goodness! love. so damn cute. I'm in desperate need of a rug too I feel your pain!



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