
Seeing Green

Happy St. Patrick's Day for all your Irish and Irish wannabes today!  Anyone have any fun plans to celebrate today? 

I've been loving green lately especially for spring and summer!  I'm thinking the stripe tote, iphone case, and that dress need to be mine!

Seeing Green

Do you like the color green?  Do you wear it often?


  1. Is it bad that I want one of each of these things? Such pretty picks, I love green!

  2. I love the color but don't own enough! Love the green dress!
    Ally - Life as I know it

  3. I may need those Zella leggings...although my legs may look like thick flower stems!!!

  4. Such cute choices! The extent of my green today is a blue and green lilly scarf because it's too cold to wear my spring stuff but my spring and summer wardrobe is full of green items! Such a versatile color that looks good on everyone!

  5. Hunter boots for the win...they always add a fun little pop of color! I tend to not buy green, but I always love it when I wear it! I may have to invest in a few of these pieces! :)

  6. I own so much green it's out of control, but I love it! Kelly/grass green like you posted a ton of is definitely a favorite.

  7. Oh! I love this! I totally struggled to find ANYTHING green in my closet today. I really need to add some color to my boring black and grey work wardrobe.

  8. Love, love that purse! Such a fresh and peppy color for spring and summer :)

  9. I really love wearing the color green. It's not one of my "favorite" colors (if someone were to ask me) but for clothes? Love. Nice green picks - especially that bag!

  10. I barely own any green. I think I'd have to start small like the bag or shoes. Cute stuff though!


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