
Weekend Recap, Guest Bloggers, and Walmart Pajamas

Happy Monday!  I hope everyone had a great Halloween and weekend! Ours was really low key since we're trying to just relax and soak in our time as a family of three before we bring a newborn home and chaos begins :)

I got my hair cut and colored on Thursday afternoon.  It's darker than it's ever been before but still has plenty of blonde in it. I'm so happy with how she did it and think I may even go a little darker next time. She just tried to darken the blonde I had and blend in some of my darker hair so it looked more natural and not bleached out.

Halloween was so much fun this year. Even though Miller still doesn't understand the concept and got upset when we made him get out of the wagon it was still so fun to see him in his little costume. He went as a giraffe since his favorite stuffed animal (that goes everywhere with us) is a giraffe. I found his costume at Carter's and was able to get it on sale.

 Saturday was cold and rainy so we spent most of it inside cleaning, organizing, and lounging around.   
Sunday was cold but turned out to be a gorgeous day! We took advantage of it and spent most of the afternoon outside. We even introduced Miller to jumping into leaf piles. It took him awhile to catch on to the  concept. He just wanted to "rake" the leaves.

 I can't wait to be able to see my feet again!

Since Baby #2 is arriving this week I'm going to have some guest bloggers fill in for me through out the month of November! Please stop by and give them some love!!
Thoughts for Thursday will still be going on thanks to Annie and some guest hosts.  Just make sure to stop by Annie's blog Home of Malones to link up if I don't have the link up.

In a total random find I was in Walmart recently (disclaimer: I NEVER go to Walmart) because some neighbors told me they had some cheap mums and while I was browsing I stumbled upon these pajamas for $10!!! $10!!! I immediately bought a pair figuring if they sucked I had only spent $10. Well guess what- they do not suck. They are amazing and so, so comfortable. They look just like the Eberjay pair I was thinking of buying but cost a tenth of the price.  I went up a size for my huge belly but plan to buy another pair this week in my normal size for post baby.  I figure this way too if they get covered in lots of baby and postpartum gunk and get ruined I won't be upset.

I suggest everyone run out and buy a pair now!

I'm also guest posting today for Amanda over at Kids and Cabernet and sharing my favorite beauty products so make sure to stop by!

Tried and true beauty products

For updates on baby boy #2 follow along on my instagram @eastcoastnat since it might be awhile before I get back on the computer to make the annoucement!



  1. Your hair looks so great - love the locks!! Miller was so cute for Halloween, seeing him in the costume must have been the highlight for sure!! Loved the GP on Amanda's blog - so many great products!!

  2. I can't believe this is the week you are meeting baby boy #2!! I can't wait to see pics! Good luck mama! Your hair looks so fab! And, I'm going to Walmart and getting those PJs stat... Much rather bring a cheap pair to the hospital than a more expensive pair! Great find!

  3. i love your hair!! great color. and miller looks adorable :) off to check out those pjs!!! can't beat that price. xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  4. I love the hair color, its perfect!! Miller looks so cute in his costume and in those leaves! :) Hope you're enjoying the last few days as a family of 3! :) Also I totally forgot about your email about the guest blogging and I feel terrible because I never responded. I suck, I'm sorry!

  5. Love the hair color! She blended it in so well! I also loved Miller's costume! That is so adorable! Good luck this week, thinking about you!!!

  6. Brady was also a giraffe at about the same age as Miller. I love it! He is too cute! And I also hate Wal-mart with a passion, but those PJs are too cute. There is one right near my house, so I may brave the madness to go check them out! Good luck with baby #2!!!!

  7. I love your hair!! It looks amazing! I haven't gone into Walmart since college (there was no Target there at the time) but those pajamas might be worth making a trip. Miller looks adorable as a giraffe! Good luck this week - I can't wait to hear the news!!

  8. Your hair looks great! Pretty similar to mine. Those pjs are super cute i need to get a pair! What size did you get? Pjs are never long enough for me and my long legs!!

  9. Your hair color is gorg! That is the color I always go in looking for and never seem to get. Love love love!!

    Good luck with baby boy #2. Can't wait to hear all of the details!!!

  10. Awww, that sweet giraffe! Great score on those pajamas, too!

  11. Your hair looks so good! Those PJ's look super comfy and what a great price!!

  12. Miller is adorable! Can't wait to see pics and meet the new little boy!!! Yayee!!!!

    And love the hair.

  13. Love your hair!! I still can't believe I didn't know you weren't born blonde! Love sweet Miller in the leaves and as a giraffe!! I need to figure out how to wear my scarf like yours! So cute!

  14. Hot mama is ready for #2 - love the new cut/color! I'm on baby watch over here so can't wait!

  15. Cant wait to see pics of baby boy #2! Hope it's a smooth delivery!

  16. your hair color looks fabulous! can't get over Miller in that leaf pile - adorable! and those pajamas look amazing...might have to venture out to get some! xoxo

  17. I bought pajamas like that at Target and LOVE them but they are shorts! I need the pants version! Cannot wait to hear baby news!!!

  18. LOVE the giraffe costume! What a cutie pie.

    Congrats on your next baby, and thanks for the tip on the pjs! Might have to go get some this week. Thanks for sharing!

  19. YAY have a wonderful week! congratulations! prayers for a smooth delivery!


  20. I'm so excited for you guys!!!! Please keep us posted on IG. Prayers coming your way for a smooth delivery and a happy healthy baby boy!!!

  21. He went as a giraffe since his favorite stuffed animal (that goes everywhere with us) is a giraffe. I found his costume at Carter's and was able to ... qgiraffe.blogspot.com


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